H. E. Wesley W. Simina

Hon. Aren B. Palik
Vice President

A Traditional
Yap Men's House

The City of
Nan Madol

World War II
Diving Wrecks

the Sleeping Lady

Jeem Lippwe
Ambassador/Permanent Representative
Greetings, Kaselehlie, Mogethin, Ran allem, Lenwo, or as in a newly coined expression – KAMORALE to all of you, and welcome to the website of the Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United Nations in New York. Through the various links provided on our website you will be able find the site of the Department of Foreign Affairs and other websites from the various departments and agencies of the national government, including links to the Office of the President and to the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia.
The Permanent Mission takes pride in its transparency and in disseminating information on its work relating to the United Nations system, including its principle organs, our participation in the main committees and plenary of the General Assembly, in open debates of the Security Council (UNSC), the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and the subsidiary organs of the UN. As a Pacific Small Island Developing State (PSIDS), which existence is threatened by the sea-level rise and climate change, which issues are of our primary focus, other important areas…

The Judicial Branch of the national government is the FSM Supreme Court. It is the only national court of the Federated States of Micronesia. Its main function is to interpret theConstitution and the laws of the Nation. The Supreme Court comprised of the Chief Justice and not more than five Associate Justices. Justices are nominated by the President for a lifetime appointment and confirmed by the Congress.
Legislative powers of the national government is vested in the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia , a unicameral (one house) Body with fourteen Senators. The chief function of the Legislative Branch is to enact laws.
Each state elects one senator as its at-large representative to serve a term of four years.
The other ten Senators are elected for a two-year term and apportioned by population. As such, the composition of the two-year Members are five from Chuuk, three from Pohnpei with one each from Kosrae and Yap