69th United Nations General Assembly Second Committee Agenda item 85: Responsibility of international organizations Statement by H.E. Jane Chigiyal Permanent Representative 

New York, 23 October 2014

Mr. Chairman,

I congratulate you and the other members of the Bureau for your election to your posts. Your personal and professional qualifications bode well for the success of this Committee’s work. You have the full cooperation of my delegation.

Mr. Chairman,

Over a decade ago, the International Law Commission began the challenging task of identifying the rules and principles of international law that concern the responsibility of international organizations for internationally wrongful acts. Under the able leadership of Special Rapporteur Giorgio Gaja, and with significant input from Governments and international organizations, the Commission adopted draft articles in 2011 laying out those rules and principles, as well as a detailed commentary on the topic. That was an important achievement in the codification and progressive development of international law, and the Commission must be commended for its tireless and expert work on the topic.