International Seabed Authority 25th Session H.E. Ambassador Jane J. Chigiyal Permanent Representative 

New York, 25 July 2019

Madame President, Secretary General, Excellencies, Delegates and Observers,

I align my statement with the statement made by the representative of the Republic of Korea on behalf of the Asia Pacific Group. My delegation is very pleased to be here to join the 25th anniversary celebration of our Authority. We congratulate the Secretary and his predecessors for their leadership. We congratulate the staff, past and present for their dedication and hard work. And the Authority for the achievements and wish them every success in the coming years.

Madame President,

Throughout our history, drawing on science as well as centuries of traditional knowledge, as complementary sources, Micronesia has strived to balance the protection of the marine environment with careful utilization of its resources in a manner that reflects a core truth in our islands. We do not own the land or sea; we borrow them from the future generations. So as we chart our work for the next 25 years and beyond, my delegation calls on the Authority to bear this notion in mind.

Madame President,

We also underscore the importance of an international order based on the rule of law, including international law. The Law of the Sea is a hallmark of international law, and the ongoing work of the Authority on its Mining Code and the operationalization of the principle of the common heritage of mankind, is a good example of the rigor, and promise of international law. The process has not been perfect though. To the extent that the Authority can improve its work in this regard going forward, including in terms of enhancing transparency in its activities, this must be pursued.

Madame President,

My delegation welcomes efforts by the Authority to link up with other processes of relevance to its work. Central is the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We encourage a holistic approach that supports the SDGs on Climate Change, Ocean Acidification, Biodiversity loss……all of which are relevant to activities in the Area.

Madame President,

We have one Ocean, and much of it remains unknown. Let us act as one, with appreciation and humility, to conserve and manage if for present and future generations.

Finally, my delegation reiterates our appreciation to the people and government of Jamaica for their warm hospitality to delegates and support to the presence and work of the Authority.

I thank you.