Opportunities through the FSM UN Mission

Here’s where you can come to find information regarding programs and services that you can take advantage of. Simply put, it’s where you can find opportunities for you, your family or friends. Opportunities are provided when available.

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) Nippon Foundation Capacity Building and Training Programme on Dispute Settlement under UNCLOS
Extension date to submit the 2024 AOSIS Fellowship Program Application
2024 AOSIS Fellowship Programme


Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship ProgrammeFrom 2021-2024 Norway is fully funding 24 PHD scholarships at USP on Ocean and Climate. Download the Fact Sheet available here in pdf file format.

AOSIS Climate Change Fellowship

Annual fellowship of the duration of one year, limited to one person from the Pacific. The fellow will be placed with the chair of the Alliance of Small Island States at the United Nations in New York (currently Belize) and participate in meetings and research. The application period for 2020 has now closed. Please download the concenpt note and the application form. More detailed information is available.

Human Right's Council LDCs/SIDS Trust Fund

The Fund supports the Participation of Least Developed Countries (LDCs)and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the work of the Human Rights Council (HRC). It funds government official's that attend the work of the HRC, participate in selected training courses and offers fellowship course. More information is available on the High Commissioner's website. Applications can be addressed to the FSM Department of Foreign Affairs.

Rhodes Academy

Annual course in Oceans and the Law of the Sea in Rhodes, Greece. The course runs fro three weeks. Application period is typically open from November until April. Information and registration can be found on the website of the program.

Medical training

A multi-year course provided by the government of Cuba. Room/board and the course itself are provided. After obtaining their medical degree, participants are placed in the field for hands-on training. Additional information available through the FSM UN Mission.

Judicial Fellows Programme

Designed to enable recent law graduates to gain experience working at the International Court of Justice. Applications can be sent through universities and can be found on the ICJ website.

Nippon Foundation Fellowship

The Nippon Foundation of Japan, together with the UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea provide an annual nine months fellowship. Participants will work at the United Nations. Applications can be found on the DOALOS website.