Preparatory Committee established by General Assembly resolution 69/292: Development of an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction – Third session Agenda item 6: Informal working group on Area-based management tools including marine protected areas Statement by the delegation of the Federated States of Micronesia [Statement #3]
New York, 29 March 2017
Madame Facilitator,
I thank you for giving me the opportunity to make an intervention, as Micronesia wishes to offer a few more insights on issues concerning the area-based management tools including marine protected areas.
First point: With respect to definitions of ABMTs, there is no universal definition. In our view, what is important is that the underlying objectives behind the ABMTs are adhered to: namely and primarily the conservation and the sustainable use of marine biological diversity in the ABNJ. In our further view, such ABMTs shall be a holistic management approach covering and protecting an entire maritime area beyond national jurisdiction as an ecosystem approach, rather than limiting it to discrete sectoral approach.
Second point: Coastal states, and certainly SIDS, including Micronesia in particular, do have and implement measures designed to support the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources within their national jurisdiction. In that light, ABMTs under the BBNJ should not create or cause disproportionate burden upon the coastal states, but rather respect existing ABMTs of national and regional application as well as the economic and political interests behind existing ABMTs.
As a final point, Micronesia wishes to reiterate the view that ABMTs beyond national jurisdiction shall not encroach upon the existing sovereign rights under the prevailing legal regime of continental shelves, and naturally any of their extensions in accordance with article 76 of the UNCLOS.
Thank you.