United Nations Day Message 

New York, 24 October 2019

Today, 24 October 2019, marks the anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter in 1945.

As we reflect on the origins of our nation, as citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) we will always be grateful that the United Nations was present early on our journey. Emerging from the United Nations Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, we rejoiced with a sense of fulfillment on that historic September day, 28 years ago when our nation attained its rightful place among nations as a member of the Organization. As we celebrate this UN Day, we honor our nations’ forefathers whose insights and work brought our nation into this Organization to bring about the eventual achievement of our goal of self-determination. Our leaders saw the value of multilateralism and the hope to collectively address the many global challenges before us.

We do not lightly undertake the responsibilities of membership in this Organization. We have willingly subscribed to the Charter and accepted all our obligations thereto, and it is incumbent on us to make repayment in some part in the only way we can – by devoting ourselves to discharge our obligations faithfully and to make positive contributions. The FSM Mission to the UN will continue to represent the national interest in New York and wishes all our citizens and the UN “Happy United Nation’s Day.”