69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

Statement by H.E. Jeem S. Lippwe

Permanent Representative

New York, 14 March 2025  

KAMORALE and Greetings from the Micronesia delegation.

I am pleased to align Micronesia’s statement with the statement delivered by Tonga on behalf of the Pacific Island Forum. Please allow me to add a few elements in my national capacity.


It is a privilege to be here today at the 69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, reaffirming Micronesia’s commitment to gender equality. Together, we recognize the importance of this session in promoting women’s rights and advancing gender equality for a better future for all women.

Our world is going through turbulent times, and persistent issues like war, poverty, inequality, cyber bullying and the impacts of climate change remain major obstacles that affect women and girls everywhere around the globe.

In Micronesia, we face significant challenges due to climate change, which disproportionately affects women and girls. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation pose threats to our communities. It is crucial to integrate gender-responsive climate policies and programs to build resilience and ensure the well-being of women and girls.

And while progress has been made, women in Micronesia continue to face barriers to economic empowerment. Limited access to financial resources entrepreneurial opportunities, and support for small businesses remain to be resolved. We must enhance our efforts to promote inclusive economic growth and support women-led enterprises.

Combating violence against women is a top priority for Micronesia. We aim to strengthen legal frameworks and enhance prevention and response efforts, including awareness campaigns and support services for survivors. This includes enacting laws against domestic violence, human trafficking, and gender-based discrimination.

But all is not lost, as we have made significant strides in improving access to education for women and girls. Enrollment rates have increased, and more women are pursuing higher education and entering the workforce. We have also implemented national and state driven policies to address gender care and equality in employment. Through the collaboration of our government and Women NGOs, we provide SDG aligned skills training and workshops opportunities for women.

Access to healthcare services for women has improved considerably. We have focused on reducing maternal and infant mortality rates and addressing reproductive health needs. Additionally, we strive to ensure that women have easy and affordable access to essential healthcare services, including preventive care and family planning.

Women in Micronesia are becoming more active in politics and decision-making. Efforts to support their involvement have led to an increase in women holding public office. Notably, three women were elected to our 14-member national Congress, marking a significant step toward greater gender representation and addressing a long-standing disparity.


While Micronesia has made significant progress in implementing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, we recognize that there is still much work to be done.

In the face of overlapping crisis and increasing challenges, Micronesia remains dedicated to advancing gender equality and empowering our women and girls. But achieving these goals also demonstrates that we need the enduring commitments and assistance of the UN system and our donor partners to fully realize the intended outcomes of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, including the Sustainable Development Goals, which the latest UN data indicated a concerning reality that the Pacific SIDS are off track and are projected to achieve the SDG by 2065.

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