70th United Nations General Assembly High-level event “Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: A Commitment to Action Statement by President Peter Christian New York, 27 September 2015 Click here
High-level signature ceremony for the Paris Agreement Remarks by President Peter Christian New York, 22 April 2015
High-level signature ceremony for the Paris Agreement Remarks by President Peter Christian New York, 22 April 2015 Co-Chairs, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, My wife, Maurina, A very high official of a very powerful country once said of Micronesians, “Who gives a damn about 100,000 Micronesians?” That statement marked a dark...
69th United Nations General Assembly Informal meeting of the plenary (closed) on the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council Statement by the Micronesia Delegation New York, 11 February 2015
69th United Nations General Assembly Informal meeting of the plenary (closed) on the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council Statement by the Micronesia Delegation New York, 11 February 2015 Click here
International Year of Small Island Developing States Closing ceremony Statement by H.E. Jane Chigiyal Permanent Representative New York, 26 January 2015
International Year of Small Island Developing States Closing ceremony Statement by H.E. Jane Chigiyal Permanent Representative New York, 26 January 2015New York, 17 April 2007Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, President of the 69th UNGA, Excellencies, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am honored to speak on behalf of the Pacific Small...
69th United Nations General Assembly Sixth Committee Agenda item 78 (Part 3): Report of the International Law Commission Statement by the Micronesia Delegation New York, 3 November 2014
69th United Nations General Assembly Sixth Committee Agenda item 78 (Part 3): Report of the International Law Commission Statement by the Micronesia DelegationNew York, 3 November 2014Mr. Chairman,This statement deals only with the topic of the provisional application of treaties, as contained in Chapter XII of Document A/69/10. Micronesia is...