Informal meeting of the plenary on the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council

Statement by the Micronesian Delegation

New York, 4 May 2023      



We thank you for your guidance throughout this session, we align our statement with the remarks by Her Excellency Rhonda King, on behalf of the L69 Group and like to add the following in our national capacity.

We welcome the transparency and openness introduced by webcasting and recordkeeping of our meetings. It shows the Co-Chairs’ willingness to be responsive to our collective voice. We expect the outcomes to be reflected appropriately, such as in the rollover decision; in short, we need to preserve progress made.

The rollover decision determines the trajectory of the IGN for the next session and is thus substantive, being the only documentation to come out of the General Assembly with respect to the IGN. It is not just procedural.

General Assembly Decision 62/557 calls for this process to be driven by member states, based on their proposals. The start of text-based negotiations is indeed in line with the spirit of the Decision. A text prepared on that basis is essential.


We thank you for the Revised Co-Chairs’ Elements Paper. Sufficient time needs to be given to delegations to analyze it and provide feedback. The time allocated for this Session should be properly utilized, and our ability to make inputs to the Revised Paper must not be compromised. It is the only substantive product capturing our discussions and reflecting our progress, representing our collective positions.

We also need to attribute proposals throughout the Revised Co-Chairs’ Elements Paper to prevent inaccuracies, show common ground, find low-hanging fruit, and reveal where greater effort is needed to bridge divergences and find convergence.


Reaching the fifth meeting of this session, we fail to make progress on the issue of Security Council Reform but rather preserve the status quo. We need to do better.

I thank you Co-Chairs.


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