Mr. Jeem LippweCharge d'Affaires a.i.FSM Permanent Mission to the UN at the UN Security Council"open debate exploring the relationship between energy, security and climate" New York, 17 April 2007 Madame President, I would first like to align myself with the statement delivered earlier today by the Permanent Representative of Papua...
STATEMENT BY H. E. Resio S. Moses in the General Debate of the 49th Session of the UN General Assembly
H. E. MR. RESIO S. MOSESSECRETARY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THEFEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA IN THE GENERAL DEBATEOFTHE FORTY-NINTH SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLYOF THE UNITED NATIONS New York, 29 September 1994 Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates: I am honored to address member states once again at...