26 September 2024 Video: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1o/k1ogrcs08y Mr. President, Mr. Secretary- General, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, On behalf of the people and the government of Micronesia, I extend a warm Kamorale. Kamorale back home was coined as a national greeting that combines the diverse languages of all our islands. Kamorale represents the...
Statement by Secretary Samo at the High-level meeting on antimicrobial resistance
New York, 26 September 2024 Mr. President and Excellencies. A warm Kamorale, as we say it back home in Micronesia! Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a global crisis that threatens to undermine decades of progress in medicine and public health. The rise of resistant pathogens is a threat to global health...