Informal Consultations on the Summit of the Future

Statement by the Micronesian delegation

New York, 06 February 2024


My delegation aligns itself with the statement on behalf of the G-77 and China, AOSIS, the Pacific Islands Forum, the Pacific SIDS, and the Small States Group.

 On behalf of Micronesia, our utmost gratitude goes to the Co-facilitators for organizing the first reading of the Pact of the Future zero draft. Your hard work and dedication to the outcome of the Summit of the Future is truly appreciated and recognized.

On September 1, 2023, the General Assembly adopted decision A/77/L.09 to simplify the text in the Chapeau and Chapters. While this was the minimum common ground possible at the time, we hope that the first reading will lead to more substantive contributions from all members, including from SIDS and LDCs. We also would like to emphasize that the views of the Civil Society should be taken into account in the zero draft. It is imperative that our collective work ensures “no one is left behind”.

We support language addressing the peace and security implications of climate change, such as in paragraph 69.  We would like to see additional language on the appointment of a Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Climate, Peace, and Security.

We also generally support paragraphs 32 and 33 on deep, rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5 degrees Celsius pathways, and on efforts to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies.  We emphasize the need to accelerate in this critical decade the phasing out of fossil fuels.

We would like more language on the conservation and sustainable use of the Ocean and its resources, including an acknowledgement of the adoption of the landmark BBNJ Agreement as well as the 30 by 30 commitment in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

We look forward to engaging actively in this process going forward, with the aim of finalizing an ambitious Pact for the Future.

I thank you.

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